Friday, March 6, 2009

Even i want to do the 25 things abt me thingy...:)

After smirking and scoffing at all the people who completed this list o 25 I go!!!!
P.S.: Im still not doing it on FACEBOOK!!!! :D

I hope you dont know these things abt me...if you do, go jump!!! :P :D

0. I am
petrified of lizards they can make me cry; I have observed them soooo much I know their behavioural characteristics!!!!!!!! I KNOW them soooooooo well!!!!!!!! :|

1. I cant stand my first name...I hate the sound o it!!

2. I couldnt read a newspaper and prevent myself from falling asleep till a few months back :p

3. I am compatible with only the following sun signs: Aries, Aquarius, Gemini and Capricorn (only gurls)

4. I am fascinated beyond words by scorpio males...I actually behave weirder than usual arnd them...!!

5. I havent met my nephew in the 5 months since his birth :(

6. I am very gullible...I tend to trust tooo soon...

7. I have changed 5 mobile phones in the past 3 years!!

8. I find the least funny o jokes the MOST hilarious!!!!!!!! I dont get the actually funny ones :D

9. I cry at the shame :)

10. I can no longer sing...but I can bray amazingly if anyone's interested...:(

11. I am tooo self concious...I drive my friends up d wall wit it!!! :D

12. If I manage to come on time one day I can keep it that way for a long time. The catch is: If I come late...the jinx still holds good!!! I can try all I want to, but i WILL NOT reach on time!!!!

13. There's another funny thng too: If I go to a particular place following a particular route, it jus happens that I will travel via the same route the same day again or the next day!!!! I'm NOT kidding or exaggerating here!!!! IT'S TRUE!!!!!!!

14. I can trust my instincts like hell!!!! They ve never ever failed me!!!!!!!!!!!

15. I love the Bakvaas Bandh Kar clips on 9XM; I love the Doctorrrrrrrrrr strip on Radio One; I love mokka comedy sooooo much!!!!!!!!!! :D

16. I have a hate-love relationship with my own sister...I hate her soooo much but at times, Im jus at other times soooo much in awe o her....and maybe thts one o the reasons I hate her...its a viscious circle I say!!! :| But I love her
all the same!!! More than anyone in this world too, :)

17. I can come up with the most believable lies in a fraction of a second...I am sooooo convinving in my act!!!

18. I no longer lie at home...I ve tried very hard...but seem to have forgotten how to!!!

19. I ve sneaked outta home in the middle of the nite several times...not to party...chill out!!! :D

20. I am tooo ambitious that sometimes I sit and think what Ill tell ppl wen i ve fallen flat on ma face!!!! Dont want to be there...never!!!!!!!!

21. I can write reely well...ahem...I meant my handwriting s simply beautiful!!!!

22. I don't like people who make others laugh at the expense of another person...especially a heavy person...I WANT TO YELL AT AND KICK SUCH PEOPLE!!!! I hate such condescension!!!!
:| :| :| I FIND THEM SICK!!!!!

23. I once qualified for the finals in a college quiz after clearing d prilims by gettin all d answers on sms from this reelly brainy frend o mine who found d answers on d net!!!!!!!!!! When I got selected for the finals i sent an sms to him saying "SHIT! We re selected! SHIT we re screwed!!!! :D

24. I almost got debarred in my 11th common exam for trying to help a girl with the objectives section...she was crying...i felt paavam for foot!!! :D

25. My friends think I can whine and smile at the same time...talent u seee :p

HEYYYYYYYYYYYYY Im doneeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee :DDDD

Pseudo-nerd's happy happy after a horrible day!!! :)


Vimal said...

u started with #0, so thats 26 things about you.

1- I am terrified of penguins. Is that weird?

13 - Is it because you have to go back home from wherever you went?

17 - Was that a lie?


Aruna Iyer said...

hey Vimal welcome!!!
abt the zero...well that was a last minute addition which jus happened to be one o d most important thng abt me...i was jus too lazy to renumber everywhere :P
1. U dnt have to encounter penguins in most countries in d ure safe...even if u re weird!
13. No, but a smartass way to luk @ wat i ve said! clap clap!! :D
17. U re a mindreader!!!! :|


Vimal said...

what would you have done if you'd had another last minute addition to make?

ThinkAloud. said...

me knows allllllll the 25!!!!!!!!!:D:D:D ( NO arguments)m

Aruna Iyer said...

i d have numbered it minus one...;D
u want to ask me what I' have numbered the d next last min addition? ;)

@meanie: U didnt know 4 of the 25 things meanie!!! conveniently forget it ok??? :|

Elithraniel Arawion said...

26. I'm so lost sometimes and i pretend to know things when i don't.. but i always get caught red handed by elithra

true? ;) hehehehe

Thoorika said...

I can no longer sing...but I can bray amazingly if anyone's interested...:(

never heard u braying .. ! would love to some day !!!

Aruna Iyer said...

@anusha and thoorika: hey I somehow never realised u guys ve commented on this post!!!! ;P sorry!!!

Aruna Iyer said...

@anusha: FALSEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!! u re mean enuf to give meanie comepetition! :|

Aruna Iyer said...

@thoorika: Yes, u shall hear me bray after the grand finale to the lowweellyy years at emm wooo peee :)))