Tuesday, October 6, 2009

I don't know how much deficit I have in my karmic account...
Am sure I ve got sub zero good karma...I seem to hurt people, while hurting myself...

I wonder why I can never be just friends with a guy...
It must be some curse that ruins every single friendship I try to foster...

I try not to lead on...I try to be the cold shoulder...
It just is no match to that goddamn curse on me...
He will still find a reason to ask you out, it leers at me, even now...

I havent written here in a long while...got no time literally...
I feel neglected with all this unsolicited attention...
I want to be loved as just a friend...
I don't have it in me to be anyone's someone...

Am bored...am pathetic...
I want a friend...looks too costly in my life...

I have a class in 10...
like how DB would have said it...
not 10 minutes...just 10...

I am prolly hated by many...for simply giving up...
Am sorry but I really don't have anything to give you...

At the end of even this...I just want to be left alone...

That's me...


Arv said...

Pls dont worry much... sail through this mood and you will find better shores...

as for that curse... its yet to have any impact on our friendship; I dont see a reason for it to have any impact in the future either :P

take care and enjoy your day mate...


Soin said...

dint u get those orkut guys asking for ur friendship and all..suckers allthose..free

Anonymous said...
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Thoorika said...

Asha didt read this post huh?! I would have loved to see her slap your out of your depression for this post!! Aruna! Stop whining gal! Things will be fine ultimately :) Take care

Anonymous said...

A: my friend B said, "cant you live without your earphone on?"
A: i said: "NO"
B said: "you have to watch the world around you too, dont stay too long in your own world"
A said: "NO i dont want to, i hate the world around me, i want MY WORLD only"
That was a joke of course, half of it, the other half is true said A.
B said: It's okay to get a little cold feet once in a while, just get going with life.