I never open my other gmail id...but today I did...and one particular mail sent by someone 2 days ago made me feel all touched...am sorry for being cheesy..but I reely was..:)
It read: Hey write something on your blog. I'm bored and I want to read something. (Or something mostly like this :P)
I felt nice reading it... So here I am writing something...For you to read, Ironmonkey :)
We have lectures all the time in this second floor seminar hall in ACJ (Asian College of Journalism) where I study. The room is filled with students, lecturers and guest speakers...they all congregate here to impart and share their knowledge and viewpoints on various pertinent issues.
But, there is a group, which attends every single lecture...sits through all of them; they never bunk. But they aren't expected to either understand or deliver after any of the lectures- the attenders and technicians who help put together the electronic support for each lecture, presentation and walk around the hall passing the mic when its time for questions.
When I see them, I always wonder if they understood what was being discussed at length everyday within the confines of this lecture hall...do they realise that they could be one of the most informed and aware in their clan, if they could grasp what was being spoken?
Assuming they don't....what does it feel like to sit in a hall where everyone talks in a foreign language, about things that appear very important for any number of reasons? Do they wonder what was going on? Do the power point presentations with charts, figures and estimates make any sense to them? And when people ask questions at the end of the session, and when they are passing around the mic...does it irritate them...to not know what was raising so many questions in so many people's minds?
I sometimes feel jealous of them...they can simply zone out when a boring lecture's happening...they don't have to know why news and numbers are intrinsically related to each other...they wouldn't have an exam, even if its an open book, class test...they can in simple terms be "physically present mentally absent". But we need 85% attendance in each lecture, and have to write exams as well!!! The unfair lives all o us lead....sigh :p
Pseudo-nerd wrote something for ironmonkey today :)
I dun feel jealous of them,plain sorry! They have to go through all this shit just for a living,and that might be the prime reason they are still holding on.we blessed,don't realise that side of it.
God bless them!!!
Attendance - bad word
Bunk - good word
I did a lot of good things when I was at college ;)
I had 24 % attendance, bribed the peon to alter records and finally wrote my sem exams, was a great fun ride.
Thanks for the post
@ironmonkey: You' re welcome...:)
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