The smoke drifted apart...a dream sequence:
Useless CDs tied together and strung in neat lines, let me into a room...
I turned my head to the right...and was struck by the orange of a wall...a queen-size bed...wrapped in a beautiful cover...
Straight ahead...new drapes in a sunny, happy colour keep the sun out...
A table, a laptop, and a framed picture o someone; a wall covered by two ample beige-coloured cupboards...on opening, I found clothes neatly stacked, hung...
The other walls abound with a personal touch here, a framed photograph there...and a couple of posters thrown around reflect on the person who slept in that room...
My eyes fluttered open and I realised I had been dreaming about the same room I was in at that moment...just that it was going to become EXCLUSIVELY mine in a couple o weeks time...and that totally excites me...:D
certainly not ur room.. must be in some hostel.. ;)
Take care.. :) n change ur time zone
I like my time zone this way. It is deliberate, btw. Without rhyme or reason.
My dream. So I decide. It was more than certainly MY ROOM.
Dreaming, so characteristic of ... ;)
* hi5 *
@ironmonkey: hehe, yeah :D
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