I don't know wat am goin to write here....this minute, I'm feeling dizzy...Yes...a few minutes back I experienced something very weird...I couldnt stand straight....I felt I was bein pushed backwards...my toes lifting...supporting that weight leaning back..."What is happening, Appa?", I asked...."You're just weak, ma....lie down for sometime....", said my dad...
As i'm lying down....my eyes involuntarily closed....I felt the light discomfort of a virtual spin..."What was happening?", I asked myself...my disturbed...or rather, perturbed mind conjured up images from the day...spent mostly outside the confines of my daily schedule...at lunch with friends...at Besant Nagar with a best friend...waving good bye to that baby boy now so much part of my days...
Slowly...very slowly it started showing me flashes of a time I didnt want to think about...when I knew what it was to be madly in love...all that hurt so much...then...now...I didnt want to see that face that haunts me till date... I force my eyes open...get myself off that bed...
I sit before my computer...stonily staring at my distorted reflection on that monitor that still hadnt come to life...I chant in my head..."You re over him. You re a new you." The screen burst into colour and sound...waiting for that command from me. Life's like the monitor...a new dimension, cloaked in mundane efforts, every time you turn it on...it waits for your command...making the most of it...giving it your best command (read: shot) is what makes it tick. "Don't give up on giving him up", I told myself as I logged into my blog...
I write here...my thoughts as they assume form in my head...it was dizzy a while back...cleared now.
Pseudo-nerd marvels at the ability of her body to get her thinking! :)
we are with ya...
take care da...
awwww... :( :( hope alls well with HIS arrival.. :p
@Arv: Hey thnks!!! :)) For always bein there...and saying the rite things!!
@Nikhil: Who is this HIS u (in particular) are talkin abt? :-?
Anyways....*hugs* bak!!:)
hey.. u ok???? take care aruna :)
I cant tell you how much I admire you and How much I feel proud of you right now Aruna!! I really cant!! Take care dear!!!
this is my first time here.. n well.. i dont have anything to say to this post..
take care.. :)
@Anusha: Hey am very much okay de...:) ur post on love blossoming everywhere cheered me up :):P
@Thoorika: Hey Thoorika!!!! :)
Thanks a lot man...:) i couldnt have made it without the support o ppl like u, loki, madhu, nandinee, vidya and anupriya!!! Of course, Asha and Rashmi :))
Miss class man...and our lil gang at the back!! :D
@Amal: Hey! Welcome :)
And ya am not gonna blame u fr not knowing what to say :P
Keep reading!!! :)
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