I dunno how many of you know the meaning of the word doublespeak...but here's a picture that nails it quite simply:

Ask me why? And I'll tell you "Im yet to figure out why...I will at the end of reading this BRILLIANTLY SUPERB book called "1984" by George Orwell".
Why is this book sooooooooo great?
- It is set in the year, 1984...very obvious. But written in the 1950s!!!!
- It has been the inspiration for the World's best advertisement so far, in terms of its effectiveness.
- I think Orwell is a GENIUS...way ahead of his time...a visionary of scaring accuracy!
To everyone who has not read the book I would strongly suggest reading it!!
Though I'm only halfway through the book, I ve been so bowled over by the concept of doublespeak that I had to incorporate it into some part of me...like physically put it down somewhere...and where better than my newly skinned blog??? :))
Pseudo-nerd is me...and this is my blog! :)
Brilliant!!! :))
That was a very intersting read on doublespeak--first time.. :)
But why is it that,the female on the left distracts me bigtym??? :( :( soo like u tho... :D :D
Take care..
@Nikhil: I dunno if i'm brilliant...but Orwell sure is...you shud read that book if u can get ur hands on it...
As for the woman on the left, I look nothin like her...
I was thinking for a good book to read for sometime now! I do hope this book will be nice! otherwise M not going to spare you!!!!! :P
@Thoorika: Hey u re awakeeeeeeee!!!! :))
Anyways...this book is really dark okay? It s almost depressing but it is the work of a genius mind...So make ur choice!!! :)
P.S. Do u like my new skin? I feel like bragging abt it...:)
that was a good piece of info :)
thanks for sharing da...
and lol... you look better than the one on the left :)
btw, am coming home shortly :)
will talk soon... take care...
Aruna, what a sexy babe you've got on the backdrop... its more like a bond movie type thing, wud be more sexy if you could ask the designer to use the fire-touch effect
Cheers, IM !
@Arvind: U bein sarcastic when u say I look better than the silhouette on the left?? :D
Anyways...u havent read the book rite? And hey its great ure comin bak soon...and yeah we ll talk once u re here in Chennai!
Till then have fun there!
@ironmonkey: Wont the fire touch effect make it too bold? Its already red and black!!!! :D
I like ur suggestion, but I guess this is as much jarring I want on my skin :p
Anyways...hw re u now?
damn, the girl's got a nice rack too
sidenote: yeah, iam feeling good... surgery's over and it's a bit painful now!
@ironmonkey: Errr...wat exactly is a nice rack? :-s
And wat surgery was it exactly?
Nice rack - you've gotta check that slang in urbandictionary.com ;)
As for the surgical procedure, talk to me on google-chat, and I'll explain to you :D
@ironmonkey: Okay ill check out nice rack for myself...bt what is RFID?
hope you finished reading '1984'
I strongly suggest you also read 'Animal Farm' by Orwell as well
and now oceania is in war with ?
Hey Jagannath!! Welcome to my blog :)
And am almost done with '1984'...
And right now, Oceania is at war with Eastasia (according to the part I'm currently reading :D)
Animal Farm is my next read. Had already decided, but thanks for suggesting it, anyways!!
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