I give myself 15 minutes to reorganise and get into serious study mode!!!!!!
Really...at 11:13 PM on the nite before my exam...I just cant seem to convince myself to go start studying???? :|
I dunno...i ve jus gulped down a big mug of tea...in the hopes that it'll prevent me from the inevitable (read: falling asleep on my books)...this comes after an afternoon nap of four hours....sigh....
What all do I do before an exam?
Life's miseries, mysteries and melancholies come to the forefront one day before the exam.
I need to analyse my future plans today....who cares abt the near...very near future...that is my exam tomorro??
The Tv will have the best films on...especially if it s a Sunday...:|
Its the friendliest day in my life....I get SMS after SMS or I send SMS after SMS...Sometimes I even make STD calls....like THAT friendly I become!
Plan(s) Of Action to get that guy's attention...or to snub someone who snubbed me previously (read: cant remember when :P), craving for goooooooooooooddddd food....all attack me on this day...only on this day....
I want to clean my cupboard...want to find that old photograph....wonder why I don't have enuf clothes or read that Oh, so sweet slambuk entry....
And of course...the Internet...my visa to the cyberspace...here, I can open, reopen and again open all my inboxes (I have 3 different mail ids, btw) only to see that I have no new mail...
I can get hyper interested in my favourite topic, Sunsigns...and Google has enuf to keep me engaged....its fascinating, I tell you!!! :P
Or, I can blog...I can rant on my space...no one can question me...no one can tell me to stop, concentrate...u knw the wrks?
So, here, I am!!!! I want this exam to be ssssooooooooooooo O.V.E.R.
I want college to get done...but by the luks o it, I thnk ill have an arrear in the exam tomorro...but hey..not reely...I actually (at the risk o sounding too impressed with myself) end up doing pretty well in my exams, even though I haven't reely put any effort...or at least not proportional effort...NEWTON can jus go hang!!! :D
Oh...I dont copy in exams either...if at all that ever crossed ur minds...am too busy scribbling furiously in a spontaneous burst o creative energy...Im generally the first one to take an additional sheet...Wolfie an d Thoorika are witnesses to this!! :P
Anyways...I guess my 15 mins are up....booo hooooooo!!!!! I dnt want to go!!!!!!!!!!! :|
Pseudo-nerd is tearing herself away from such distractions....rippppppppp!!!!! :|
me the first
Me the second! :P
@ Aruna
he he he are u a saggitarian by any chance??? I am one and I do all that you mentioned just before the exams...but at least u perform well - my case is even worse- I keep dreaming about my future only inside the exam hall and I also have this habit of sleeping for the first one hour in the exam hall and write the entire paper in the next 1.5 hours...
and I get hyper hyper interested in astrological topics too
well well well..Lemme tell you,mine's coming up very very soon..Its around 2 weeks and still,no real big step forward..oo on ma friendliest days after ages,though lemme tell you,I am loving it this way.. :)
Anyways,done and dusted..I faint thinking of the many more papers beckoning me.. :(
Take care gal.. :)
arunaaaa... how are u doing exactly all the things i did last night??? and was what oh, so sweet slambook entry mine? ;) and i thot i was the one who took additional sheets first... i didn't today... :P anyway....
and yes
Hope you did do ur exam well :)
talk soon... cheers...
@Arun: Hey I am not a Saggi....but close enuf...an aries...we both re fire signs!!! Maybe thts why the similar behaviour! ;D
And abt ur interest in sunsigns: !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Am so happy!!! Yay! U re d frst GUY I ve found interested in sunsigns!!!! :))
Gud Gud!!!! :D We shall discuss!
@Nikhil: Ur exams are 2 WEEKS away...but u still hafta start nw itself??? :o thts pretty tough then...:(
You'll do well dnt worry!!!:)
And abt the friendliest days...well am glad as well! :D
Takin care, boy (Its my PJ for the day! :P)
@Wolfie: Did u even have to question if urs was that "Oh so sweet" slambuk entry???? It was soooooooooo abt me rite...so it has to be urs!!! :|
And hey!!! I strongly object!!!!! Im d one who takes additional sheet frst!!!! I refuse to concede my place!!!! :|
And we do d same things before an exam coz both are equally positioned vetti opicers!!! :D
WOLFIEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!! :))
@Arv: Hey yeah...as usual it was a waste o time studyin for that damn exam...had questions like:
what is change?
Is communication an activity? Comment.
Change governs our lifestyles. Justify.
DUH. See..??? This is why I never bother studyin!!!! :|
But yeah!!! I did do well...I'd have to try real hard not to do well in this kinda paper!!! :D
yes MS RAM :P
wow, so similar to my stuff, hahahahaha ! (accidentally crashed on your blog, and it's funny that you're an arian - and the first girl, iam encountering on the internet)
what's more funny, is your experience, almost similar to mine, except i have last resort to copy ...these days, i've lost interest in copying too.
the next best part, what made me go nuts and almost made me fall off my chair laughing was "astrology, and sun-signs" ... yeah lots of crap out there !
an anonymous aries from the internet !
@Kish: Hey welcome to my blog!!! :D
First things first. Why is it FUNNY that Im an Arian?? :0 :D
And am glad to see that I ve company in such things as wasting time (note: in da same manner) before an exam! :P Same Pinch :p
And, why did u find my interest in sunsigns THAT funny??? :D
Keep reading! :D
Aruna :)
bad punctuation funny on arian remark
wasted lot of time on sun-signs, countless hours... so that's sort of a good funny there ;)
@Kish: Okay...so that's supposed to be a gud kinda funny eh?? ;D Shud I say thank u?? ;p
Wouldn't hurt for you to say thank u... lol !
haha yeah...it wudnt hurt i guess!!! Thank Uuuuuu :D
Anyways...that blog o urs...
"your daily dose of jokes"??? Some o the posts are quite hilarious!!!! :D
Post more often in there...:)
Hey guys, all of ya, are welcome to visit ... my blogs on jokes
They'll get updates from time to time.
@Scarlet Pimpernal:
Hey....first up u post a comment which u also remove...then ure advertising ur blog on my comments section!!!! Makes me wonder why...?
I see that I have missed lottts of posts in ur blog! but from now on, I wont!!! now dont stop blogging again!
@Thoorika: Yes thoorika, I have a blog...and i will keep updating it..only change u ll be reading it more often!! :P
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