When I was a kid there was one pass time muse for me...especially when I was traveling...I would look out for shops with a name that caught my fancy...and also wonder what I'd name my own shop...
Haven't been at it for quite sometime now...but yesterday, as I was on my way back home from my sister's place...I saw this kutti mess kind of an eat out...it was called:
Mr. Idly, Mrs. Sambhar
Isn't that cute????!!!!!???? I thought it was...:))
There are other such names...like "Rendu Idly, Oru Vadai"
"Mummy Daddy"
"Hotel Caliphornia" (near Madurai!!!)
"Gay Travels" (!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)
Kirtilal Kalidas or Kritilal Kalidas???
It was for a long long time, till a very embarrassing time, "Kritical Kalidas"(Pronounced: Critical Kalidas :P) I dunno why...but that's how I read it the first time I saw the board...and it stayed that way in my head till on fine day I mentioned the place (as Critical Kalidas!!!!) to someone, and that person after bein clueless fr sometime...went HAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!! :| :D
It was very, VERY embarassing!!!!!! :P
Anyways...there are certain other names that put me off...like
"Mangal & Mangal" in Trichy
"Joy Alukkas" in everywhere :|
"Limes or Melons?" (a juice shop I dunno where)
"Jency Audios" (not Audio :|)
"Jyothik Pharmacy" (near ma house)
I dunno why these names put me off...but I jus cant pass by them without smirking!!! :D
So, if you know such funny, disgusting, crazy names of shops....you must lemme know!!!! :D
Pseudo-nerd loves the name "Mr.Idly, Mrs. Sambhar" :)
There are other such names...like "Rendu Idly, Oru Vadai"
"Mummy Daddy"
"Hotel Caliphornia" (near Madurai!!!)
"Gay Travels" (!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)
Kirtilal Kalidas or Kritilal Kalidas???
It was for a long long time, till a very embarrassing time, "Kritical Kalidas"(Pronounced: Critical Kalidas :P) I dunno why...but that's how I read it the first time I saw the board...and it stayed that way in my head till on fine day I mentioned the place (as Critical Kalidas!!!!) to someone, and that person after bein clueless fr sometime...went HAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!! :| :D
It was very, VERY embarassing!!!!!! :P
Anyways...there are certain other names that put me off...like
"Mangal & Mangal" in Trichy
"Joy Alukkas" in everywhere :|
"Limes or Melons?" (a juice shop I dunno where)
"Jency Audios" (not Audio :|)
"Jyothik Pharmacy" (near ma house)
I dunno why these names put me off...but I jus cant pass by them without smirking!!! :D
So, if you know such funny, disgusting, crazy names of shops....you must lemme know!!!! :D
Pseudo-nerd loves the name "Mr.Idly, Mrs. Sambhar" :)
P.S. The one in the picture is by far the most hilarious name I ve seen on a restaurant!!!!! Just that I didnt see it in real life....came across it while searchin for a pic for this post!!! :D
U have a thing for weird names for sure..!! Vagina Tandoori couldn't have left u idle,I ges.. :p
ROTFL at Kritical Kalidas.... :p:p :p :P
Yeah, Menon...it sure didnt!!! ;D
and abt the Kritical Kalidas ting...well I used to keep wonderin why they wud name a place Critical and even smirk at their apparent choice of K over C :P
I know...:D
Mummy Daddy was one of the big shops before the age of super markets :)
I will find more to this collection...
there is a town called condom :P
the weird town names is another list to collect :P
lol aruna u shud check for the names of the tea stalls on ya way to ooty from kovai... 2 best ones are
@Arv: Yeah....i remember Mummy Daddy bein a big place...my cousins in vadapalani kept talkin abt it...:D
And a town named CONDOM!!!!!!!!?????!!!!!!!!! U ve got to be kiddin!!!! :D Where s it??? And yeah...we shud luk arnd fr funny names o places as well...!!!
Cheers!!!!! :D
@Arun: Adengappa tea stall and Idhudhanda Tea stall??? ROTFL!!!!!! :D :D
SHIT...I went to Ooty recently...hw come i neva came across any o these brilliant names???? :((
anyways...its damn funny!!!! :DDD
definitely caught the attention...
would dine there some day
Haha sure!!
Lemme knw wat was touted to be the vagina tandoori special, yeah?? :p
Kritical Kalidas it seems. Damn.
Why didn't Iknow your weakness till now.
Anyways. I've started reading your blog, so yeah, you better update often woman, and better comment on mine and not be one hypocrite by saying no one reads the posts you like. bah.
I like ALL my posts and I get like 1 comment or 2 comments the most.
bah. So don't complain.
and you know the lancelot?
Small world
@Valia: Hey thanks for blogrollin me!!! :D
Yeah...i do know "The" Lancelot!!! :D
Keep reading and I ve already commented on one o ur posts so shetaaaappp!!!! :D
There's also a place called sperm (men's clothing), and one place called GILMA (near kodambakam bridge)...if you didn't know, hehe!
@ironmonkey: sperm and GIMLA????? ROTFL!!!! :D:D
U ve bin there??? ;D
Been to sperm, never went into gilma though ... there's also another place called midnight masala (at trustpuram / liberty... not sure where, or somewhere in between)
Shit!!!! Midnight Masala!!!!!!!!!! how did I forget to mention that place!!!!!! :DDD Yeah...I ve seen it...I thnk their "patronage" has grown so much that they ve made some upgradation to their exteriors!!! :D
And U ve bin to Sperm??? Hw s the stuff??? Gud/ok/sidey???
sperm, the store is good, the atmosphere is OK, and the manager said, that he always got this line "what a name / what's with the name, or some question about the name of the shop"...
the clothes are what I'd call semi casual or casual, and on the class scale - i'd give it a 4 or 5 out of 10!
Hey...i like the sound o this place Sperm!!! ;D
Maybe the next time I need to go clothes shoppin for a guy I ll get some Spermy clothes fr him ;p :D
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