These are just some of the things, I can't isolate from you both:
III Journalism's most famous 3 musketeers :P PowerPuff gurls!! HAHA!!! :D
All three o us are ARIES!!!! Temme how many ppl will have this kinda celestial connections??? Conference calls, failed conferences on messenger...
Group assignments, running to the printers...taking pictures with and of our creations!!!
Earlier, HOD's most wanted; now, HOD's d most taunted!!!!! :D
Cant get bored of each other...differences become indifferent wen together!!!!! Spendthrifts with a conscience!!
Endless gossip, the way the face lights up at the mention of a "STORY"!!! :D "Temme some story, Iyer!!!" :D
Motivation, consultation, delegation and condemnation...all for free and there to take!!!
"U better go to the gym, from today...REGULARLY!!!!!"
"Can i have an egg frankie?"
"NO" "Why???"
"Its more fattening" ":(" ":|" ":|"
Shopping, eating out...muruku sandwich, baristaaahhhh!!!!
Pani puri (YUCK!!), canteen tea!!!
Night overs, foto sessions that get crazily funny!!!!
Introspection from another's point o view...suggestions, discussions, conversations...and guess the secret....Asha always wins!!! :|
Respect of mutual space, calling each other names!!!!
Chutkoo, meanie and iyer...the best o F.R.I.E.N.D.S :)
Relationships that go down the drain...crazy confessions, spirited retaliations; my favourite agony aunts!!!! cant do without the 2 o you!!!!!
Cant fit myself or the two o you with anyone else!!! We are a perfect 3, that was meant to be!!
Facebook fotos, ugly fotos, sleeping "beauties", OMG yawns!!!
"Do i look fat? No, fatter than usual?," I keep asking....
the most patient of replies....the most tolerant of my scandalous behaviours!!!!!
I can call them up at any time;
Cry, laugh, cry and laugh...
say am not feelin sleepy...say am feeling sleepy...yawn...
or, do combined studies over the fone...with meanie dozin off at one side o the line and me ranting out subject lines at the speed of 2000km/sec....
toleration of my exaggerations, my prejudices, my opinions, my anger, my loose tongue....my whines, my swearing...
it couldnt get better...but it did!!!!
Bday surprises, morning breakfasts, new years' eve celebrations, shopping sprees, walking on the platforms...taking a share auto and a bus between 5 streets!!!!!!
Getting together wit the juniors...lunches and dinners...frankies and subs...beaches and the funny sand etchings....fotos and more fotos...
the order in which we sit and in which we get into an auto!!!!
The haggling with auto guys...the lesbian incident on the bus!!!!
Goin to movies on impulse; making a fool o ourselves at our first intercolegiate culturals in 3 years!!!! :D :D
Council gossip...heavy frustrations...studyin together and on the trains...going to assignments together...
sundays spent at office... coming up with "creative" headlines and intro lines to other people's stories....editing horribly written copies..
HOD bashings...MOP bashings...most funny!!!
How can i forget that Bangalore trip we took....jus to shop, shop, shop and shop some more!!!! :D The number o times I embarass u guys by wanting loo breaks :D :D The woodlands hotel in Bangalore...the ATM machines...my uncontrollable chappal and bags shopping...the pain on my ass...the crying...the operation...the days after that...cant forget any o it!!!!!!
The preparations for the culturals...the screaming wen u both came on stage...I was sooo proud...and wen we won...wen we created history...i was soo happy u guys were in ur third year and I was in the council...we can call this our victory...our give back to the department without which the 3 o us wud ve never happened!!!!
Can i tell u guys how much u mean to me???? No i actually dont have to...:) Do u guys have to temme hw much i mean to u?? Not really....!! U guys are the best thing that has happenend to me among all the worst things that I ve been thru and put you guys thru!!!! This post is dedicated to you both, without whom am incomplete... love u guys sooo much that even i dont have a clue!!!! Iyer's happy happy to be jus with the 2 o u doesnt really want to think abt wen we will no longer be together in the same class... the same bench, the same auto or the same car... Pseudo-nerd feels heavy with love for her 2 best frends!!!!
sooooooooooooooooo cuuuuuuttttttteeeeeeee..Ur blessed sis,u got such nice frnds.. :)
Take care.. :)
Thnx iyer!!!!!!!!! :D
Ur a sweetheart! :)
@Nikhil: thank uuuuu....
I ve blog rolled u!!!! :)
I think u re amazing...!!
@rashmi: hugs!!!
er..lesbian incident on the bus? :D
iyerrrrrrrreeeeeee u da best!!!!!!!!:D:D:D
u shud read this before u come to any conclusions!!!
@ meanie and chutkoo: tankoooo :)))
u guys make d best o me!!! :)
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