While flipping thru the channels I came across this movie called 1408 on Star Movies
The best thing abt TATAsky is that it offers u that i button...u can read a synopsis of the movie and decide if u want to watch it...
The synopsis read (in short): Horror flick
I was immediately intersted!!!
The movie is abt this famous author who writes abt his experiences after staying in fabled, haunted places...and according to him, he has never SEEN a ghost...
Meaning: Despite his using a lot of high-tech instruments or detectors, he has till date not come across anything paranormal...
In one of his fan mail, comes a post card:
It is from the Dolphin Hotel, Lexington Avenue, New York.
It reads: Dont enter 1408
Interests aroused, he calls the hotel to make a reservation for that room...it is claimed to be unavailable all round the year. Further interested, he finds that according to some section in the American law, you cant deny a person a room that hasnt been officially removed from the hotel's booking list.
So, after a long conversation with the Hotel Manager Mr.Ollin, during which he shows the author, Mr. Enslin, documentary evidence of the various deaths, both unnatural and natural, that have occurred in the room, he still decides to check in...
What follows is way beyond scary...
Everything is normal in the begining, and he is recording as usual, into his portable recorder what he sees around him. His telephone starts making scary calls...and the bedside clock starts ticking away that one hour, beyond which MR. Ollin warned no one has ever stayed...and soon enuf things start goin haywire...where he starts hallucinating abt his father, his dead daughter....he sees spectres walking around in the room, attacking him and all other scary stuff...
Nothing electronic works in the room...so he decides to use his laptop and gets into a video call with his ex- wife...he tells her he is in room 1408 at the Dolphin Hotel and that she should call the police and send them there immediately... the line is lost with her lookin confused and in the middle of a lot of work....he looses hope...
In some time she s callin bak...he tells her to call the police...she says they re already there and that the room is empty!!! He tells her that he s gonna die there...line ends there...
Soon it starts raining in the room and its flooded and he becomes part of a painting on the room....of a sinking ship...he starts drowning and kicks upwards... this scene is linked to a previous scene where he falls off his surf board in the sea and gets washed ashore...he s back there on the shore lying semi-concious and we see the same coast gaurd running upto him asking if he s okay...
Its all a dream and he wakes up in a hospital room...with his ex-wife, whom he left after their daugher s death, is sitting next to him...he tells her his dream...takes her out for dinner, where he thinks he sees one of the women he saw inside the hotel room, but no..he was jus seeing things again...life continues...he pens down this really scary and weird dream...goes to the post office to send it to his editor....
The post office guy tells him they re closed for the day...a close-up shot of the guy...its the same guy he saw at the Hotel reception! All around him the other guys in the office start breaking the walls and peeling away the floors...and his head starts spinning....when it does stop...he s back in the same room!!!!!!!!!! So it was all jus an illusion the room had created making him believe it was jus a wierd scary dream...
It's now dilapidated...and he sees his dead daughter...she s asking him to help her...she s cold...
he tells her to go away...she s not real...but in the end he s overcome by emotion...he picks her up...
"Daddy, can mom you and I be togther like before?"
"We can we can we can...I ve got you now...Im never gonna let you go again"
His recorder is (supposedly) on, though they never showed it...
He starts a fire and this sets off the building s fire alarm and he is saved by the firemen...and Mr. Ollin is shown in his room saying:
"Not bad...not bad..." (or something like that...:p)
The next scene...and this is how the movie ends:
He has probably moved bak in with his ex and they re setting up a new home or watever...she wants to throw away all his old stuff...he retains that recorder alone...he plays it:
Some static before:
"Daddy, can mom you and I be togther like before?"
"We can we can we can...I ve got you now...Im never gonna let you go again"
He looks at her with a glum, "didnt I tell u?" expression. THE END.
The movie was kickass...maybe i ve not done full justice to it in the way i ve put it down here...but trust me it was sooo freaking scary that after the movie I went to the loo and my dad (who was till then asleep) knocked down something on his way to the loo (too!!) I jumped so badly and started screaming inside, that he jumped so badly and started screaming outside!!!!
And when finally all the screaming had ceased and I'd come out...he started screaming once again...but this time at me!!! For scaring the shit out of him...(he no longer wanted to pee apparently!!!! :P)
Pseudo-nerd was sooo jumpy that entire nite...couldnt sleep!!! :D
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