Tuesday, January 26, 2010

There s a lot of work left to do...
For all of us...all our lives...
Working out of the distractions around
Is prolly the most difficult thing to do...
Coz...you can never really get too far from them.
You cant finish them of.
You just learn to live with them.

Why do we have hormones that
Inspire love? Inspire waste of time, actually?
We shudave had hormones that made you
More focused than ever. Its your mind after all.
Why does it have to work against you?
And never let go?

Of not someone, but some habits?
Cant we all take a shot at
This terrible game of feelings
Get bored of it, or maybe sick of it
Like really?
Then just never ever want to
Play it again...like a video game
You suck at?
Shudnt it have been that easy?

Life s fun. I want to feel it.
The fun.
So, my dear distracting mind,
Jus take a break.

Pseudo-nerd wants another chance...:)

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