I truly believe in Climate Change now....
It's the time of the year when the north-east monsoons hit Chennai...
It first gets delayed by almost a week...breaking centuries old met records
Then it makes the place so unlike what it is...even during this time of the year!!!!
The wind is cold and chilly...that's not something i ve known Chennai for...
Good Morning Chennai is going to begin THIS very friday...
Does anyone realise what that means for a TV student in ACJ??
NO. Well...its this breakfast show that is supposed to run for 90 minutes...
We bring in guests this time...goof-ups wont be funny alone anymore...
People are going to form opinions...
We need to move from one set in the studio to another...WITH THE MIC STILL ON!!!!!!!!
We need to do FIVE MINUTE STORIES....like one minute stories weren't enuf to make us understand!!!! ANd this time...the anchor doesnt even have a teleprompter!!!!!!!!!!! We have to gas on our own...ON THE SPOT!!!!!!!!!!!
Oooo Maiiii Gawddddd....:D
I dunno...I think we'll go mad before it gets done...:D
Asha went home today...so I too decided to go home...after all I did have to wash my hair...
If i dared washing it in the hostel(...which i have a couple o times out of dire compulsions like anchoring the evening bulletin...) I think ill lose the final four strands o hair left on my head...
Am PARANOID about the water there...:((
I have a bike now at the hostel...but still decided to take a bus....i ve a direct bus bak home from Madhya Kailash..:) In this weather, an empty bus..a window seat and my zune can do wonders to my mood...:)
The wind on my face is one of the finer feelings im capable of...:D
I type this from home now...that makes me traa laaa laaa hapeeee abt it :D
India is doing pretty well in the match with Australia which s going on now...
I can hear the TV buzz...and the crowd seems happy...the commentator is pretty excited :)
Our hostel is in Taramani...right at the beginning of the IT corridor in Chennai...
Its a long stretch of well laid road..with really wide, desolate and unlit streets branching off the main road. This is not a residential area...the place is filled with educational and other institutions...which shut by six in the evening...
Ours and the Central Government's Polytechnic college are the only ones with a hostel in that area...
Now....CPT is filled with the cheap and rowdy guys who lech and eve tease ACJ's women...its horrible. Add to that ACJ guys getting mugged, bashed up and robbed. It's pathetic.
But these were incidents to which I wasnt in any way directly connected. There was the distant lack of understanding. But a few days back, when a group of 7 girls were on the very well lit main road, I saw it happen and affect me directly.
As we were standing on the sidelane near the overbridge contemplating if we could jump the median and avoid climbing stairs, a guy on a bike tried snatching Asha's bag...
One moment we were all looking at the crazy speeds in which vehicles moved on that road...and the next we heard Asha's surprised cry....then she fell down...and got dragged on the concrete as that bastard tried till the end to snatch that bag...when he knew he couldnt go any further or when he knew all of us knew what was happening that bastard let go and sped away....
She had deep bruises on her back from being dragged on the concrete and a HUGE lump on her head where it had hit the road.
I was literally shaking...and i was swearing profusely...It didnt really strike me that he was tryin to snatch her bag...but later when the others who were more calm told me it made sense...why would a normal person who s seen that girl fall drive away so FAST??? Im sure human curiosity is better than that.
Anyways...I made my dad come to the hostel and we took her to the hospital...we had to rule out a concussion...the duty doctor said it was nothing to worry. Relief.
By the time all that was done it was around 12...or maybe 1 in the morning...
She had to have something before she cud take her medicines for the night...
So we forced-plead a Dominos guy who was shutting shop to make us a pizza....the damn nice guy that he was agreed and yay!! We were going to have some pizza after all the drama :D
We went to my cousin's place that night...no power in my house alone, thanks to the north-east monsoons in collaboration with Tamilnadu Electricity Board :
We had our pizza sitting on the swings in the park within the flat...and scared ourselves talking abt spooky stuff :D :D
It was GOOD.
She is fine now...walks slowly...extremely uncharacteristic...:(
And everytime we walk from one place to the other it usually used to be me who had to trot next to her...she walks that fast that sometimes i have to complain :D
Now i ve gotten so used to walkin at that pace that half the time i leave her trailing behind me in her slight limp...and after a few minutes of brisk trotting for no reason but habit, I guiltily turn back and wait for her to catch up....today i apologised for that...when i was REALLY limping with my crutches she walked right beside me ALL THE TIME. Never once did she leave me alone...
I owe it to her...
so varied post..
chennaila mazhaiya.. aa gethu..i live near the kapaleshwarar tank..it will be full and beautiful..
wow jounro??nice..and is this good morning chennai aired anywhere?private??
i know it sounds bad..this polytechnic college guys..but on the flipsyde.. all these high class girls like you treat them like vermin,ever spoken with one??if u meet an iit guy in ascendas u will talk but not with them.. and u expect them to be nice to you...hmm..free
Hmmmm...don't be such a cliche!!! High class...iit...ascendas???
I thnk gurls will not want to talk to any guy who behaves CHEAP. If u got that u wudnt have advocated so much for "poor" CPT guys who we treat like vermin.
If they drop their pants in front o us to show hw desperate and cheap they are...we can only ignore them and OF COURSE treat them like vermin.
Bring me an IITian who wud do that and we will treat him the same way.
i dont know about the hand bag thing..the thing is..my gang is mostly made of guys from what cud be termed reputable colleges.. and when we go out and see some girl we make fun of her,the guys she is with and all that..but fcorz we do it in private.. they do it publicly. thats all the difference it is..and ur saying that there is not a small discrimination against them??i have seen it happen..not in the way i put to you but in a diff way..either way they are the way they are coz thats how stuff around them is..so to just classify and discriminate them all..i play football with many who you wouldnt even want to talk to..but once we get to know them they are quite nice to us..i know i sound like a tamizh movie dhanush dialogue..anyways peace..free
dramatic day for you. play it safe.
@ironmonkey: these things happened over a few days...so not dramatic day...dramatic DAYS :D
@soin: I dobnt see the point of ur comment...we discriminate against them and not u guys from "reputable" colleges BECAUSE u guys keep to urselves...if they could do that as well we dont mind...we cant after all stop guys from commenting on gurls...we DONT want to know about or hear those lurid comments. Is that too much to ask? too much discrimination?
And I think we girls wudnt talk to guys from reputable colleges as well if they didnt know how to behave themselves. Simple. No discrimination.
And so u suggest playing football or street cricket with these guys is the solution for girls?
I hope that s not what u meant and am jus misinterpreting ur dhanush dialogues here.
Can I tell you something if u dont mind?
I thnk u ve a really nice blog and u write interestingly...Dont try to be their advocate and ruin my sense of u. Please.
@aruna.. aiyo this is all for arguments sake.. whatever you say i will just oppose for opposing sake..coz boring and no work to do..anyways peace..free..
@Wolfie: We didnt want to scare u guys...:)
@soin: For argument's sake...
u re easy to beat then in one!
that's a ;ot of issues there.. I too heard it rained pretty bad up there.. anyways,nice visiting ur blog after sumtym.. :)
Pseudo nerd can talk!! :P
oh mi gawd ur on a roll i shld say jus came across ur blog by chance varied posts reali gud man:) i miss chennai:( nd also an opportunity to study wit u guys nevertheless yup 5 MINUTE news bulletin is CRAZY!! do normal ppl even know at it takes to go on air even for 30 sec wit out a telepromter gawd its scary:)but its xciting too:)happy writting nd btw how do u find tym to blog gal? wit d hectic schedule!!
@Nikhil: Haha yeah...thts a lot o things i ve talked abt in this post...that s coz i posted it after a reely long time and well a lot o things could happen in that gap and they did...
And yes...it rained cats and dogs here for a few days but now its back to sweltering :(
@Loki: hey loki!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Im soooo surprised to see ur comment here....I have not forgotten ur bday...something special is on its way to u...
and its gud i guess...u liking my blog...:P
And no de...i hardly find time to post...but well i somehow manage!!!! :D
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