Change is the only thing that is ever constant in life....however cliched that might sound, it is the truth and that's why it has become a cliche...ohhh...what a vicious circle!! :P
Anyways...now at the brink of finishing college, with days flying by in a flurry of activity and me setting the stage for the next level in my life, I thought now is as good a time as any for some introspection...so here goes...
Things that have changed in me...without me noticing:
I am no longer that dynamite that exploded every time there was the tiniest room for reaction...
Relationships don't last....only you do...be it be friends, family...and that romance was a complete waste of time!
I seem to be taking note of other people's criticism of me...the old me would have phoophooed it with a look of indifference...
I think before acting nowadays!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! That is an ACHIEVEMENT for me...the old me could never imagine thinking any time before doing anything!!!
I have shown everyone around me that I made a right decision by taking up Journalism over that goddamned engineering!!!!!!!!
I have broadened my horizon soooooooooo much...the old me didnt even bother looking outside
Chennai for her undergraduation...!!!
I have learnt to keep my opinion to myself on many thnings...but I have to agree...I cant help muttering under my breath...I used to yell my opinions right back at the person...
I read the newspaper now...I no longer fall asleep over it!!!!!!!!!! HURRAY!!!!!!!!!!!! :)))
I am able to keep myself happy most of the times with my own company...learning to face lonliness...the biggest challenge for the old me...
I have learnt to be more tolerant of people...a lot more work is required in that direction though...:P
I have the CONFIDENCE of my parents...something the old me thought was never to be hers!!!!!!! And guess what? I love it!!!!!!!!
I dont lie anymore....I actually tell the truth...i seem to have forgotten how to lie!!!!!!! WHOA!!!!!!!!! I used to lie at the drop of a hat!!!!!!!
I have somehow become the support pillar for my mother my father and even my sister, with whom the old me never ever got along!!!!!!! I now add a mature value to their lives...they actually listen to my opinion!!!!!!!!
The old me was willing to sacrifice her life s ambition, career, family and what not for one guy...but today, I can safely call myself as one of the most driven and ambitious in big huge circle!!!
The old me wanted to be rich...but by marrying a rich guy!! HAHA!!! the new me still wants to be rich...but by her own making!!!! She cant stand the idea of being financially dependent on someone...especially a guy!!!!!!!!!
So...that was just a few of the changes that I have now bothered to type out...there are several more character metamorphosis that I have been through...thanks to the few people around me I call friends and the huge lot of shit GOD threw my way over the past 3 years...
In going thru all that I have emerged a stronger person and there...the mission of GOD has been accomplished...
I still dont know if I am comfortable with this new me...definitely everyone else around me seem to be...maybe I miss the old unabashed me...the brazen words and the attitude throwing....the bitch who many people knew stands now in the garb of a semi-angel...and funnily, the bitch is the most surprised of them all!!!! :D
Pseudo-nerd feels weird with all the introspection crap ;P
Hey,first time in here..And the thing about introspection is rocking..Nice observations of the life that was.. :)
Good one!!
am blogrollin ya..
cheers.. :)
Ahhh... so I see that you have hit this stage... :)
its usual for all of us... just that it happens at various stages for each of us...
take care... cheers...
@Nikhil: hey hi! thanks for findin my self introspection worth reading! :D keep visiting....i write okay stuff on nd off! :P
@Arv: agreed that this change in character happens at different stages...wen did u realise yours though? Jus curious! :)
And hey thanks for reading my blog!
ALl true madam :)
Good for u! These changes are for the better! Ur a terrific person! :)
@rashmi: thank u!!!! :)))
i like u the way you are :))
@ MEANIE:awwww...:)) I owe it to u meanie...at least a part o it!! :)
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