"When I was just a little girl...
I asked my mother what will I be...
Will I be pretty...will I be rich...?
Here's what my mother said:
Que Sera Sera...whatever will be will be...
The future's not ours to see
Que Sera Sera...what will be will be..."
I asked my mother what will I be...
Will I be pretty...will I be rich...?
Here's what my mother said:
Que Sera Sera...whatever will be will be...
The future's not ours to see
Que Sera Sera...what will be will be..."
"Final year vandhutiya ma..? Enna panna pora idhuku apparam?" (You have come into your final year [of college :p] ? What do you plan to do after this?) This is almost like the only line of conversation people around me seem to be interested in nowadays...So what do I plan to do?? This is something upon which I ve spent enough time (thinking) over the past few months...there are 2 obvious options open to me at this point: A, I decide to go ahead with my higher education; B, I work for a year in the print medium before I pursue my Masters. It's only after a lot of deliberation that I decided upon the second option: Work.
My decision to work comes from 3 major points:
i) Print medium is where I can lay a strong foundation for my career as a political journalist and I don't want to miss out on it
ii) it will be better to have experience on my CV when I finally go for my job interview in the electronic media
iii) since my UG education in Journalism has more or less been associated with the print medium, I don't want to take the risk of doing a Masters course in Broadcast Journalism/ Masscom and then going for a job with the print medium...I might probably have lost touch with the field by that time.
Decision made, I waited for the Placements Cell in my college to start talking to those students who maybe interested in working after their third year...an abysmal 14 in a class of 49 showed interest...of which how many are truly interested is yet to be seen...this small number made me falter for a minute with my decision to work..."How can so many people think working is not a good option?", my head began to wonder....but, all said and done, I think I would like to look back at my life and feel happy that wherever I am today it is because I made a conscious choice...in this regard I completely agree with what the character Geet in the movie Jab We Met said!! I am now back to that old and tested plan for my future according to which I will work before stepping into an entirely new and vast field, the Electronic media.
Besides these serious reasons behind me wanting to work lies this other reason....financial independence...what could it possibly mean....? It is not like I come from a family that has to strive hard to make ends meet...it's the idea that I can now posses that freedom of choice to do and get whatever I want, without having to think twice. I'm not talking about frivolous spending here, though that too is definitely included!!! :D I'm talking about the freedom to save or spend the money I know I ve worked my ass off for!!! I can now join that gym I ve been wanting to join for ages....or I can go to Bounce and get a "new look"...or get the best of clothes and accessories...after all gurls will be gurls!! But there' s a flipside to this freedom where I can save up all the money I earn and fund at least a part of my higher studies...or get an education loan upon my bank credit...which'll come only when I save up...
With such thoughts I registered,yesterday, with the Placements Cell in the college...hoping for a better future to come in its wake... Pseudo-nerd really did wonder!!!
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