We were coming back from a friend's place. Into an auto the five of us squeezed...
We talked about this and that and as always, wound up bitching about the auto guys in Chennai.
In English.
For we just assume auto guys don't know the language.
But what I heard that night changed that opinion forever:
P: It was my first week in Chennai and I had taken an auto to college. As usual the auto guy tried to drop me off somewhere way before our college. I made him drop me right outside college. He obviously wanted more money for that extra "mile". And I refused.
Auto Guy: You idiot!
P: (After going !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!) You called me an idiot???????? YOU BASTARD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Auto Guy: You LADY BASTARD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
P: $*W&($*)E(%_(!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)
He apparently got out of the auto now. Fear of being hit washed over poor P, apparently!!!
P: I literally RAN inside the college!!!!!!!!!!! SHIT.
I don't know how much deficit I have in my karmic account...
Am sure I ve got sub zero good karma...I seem to hurt people, while hurting myself...
I wonder why I can never be just friends with a guy...
It must be some curse that ruins every single friendship I try to foster...
I try not to lead on...I try to be the cold shoulder...
It just is no match to that goddamn curse on me...
He will still find a reason to ask you out, it leers at me, even now...
I havent written here in a long while...got no time literally...
I feel neglected with all this unsolicited attention...
I want to be loved as just a friend...
I don't have it in me to be anyone's someone...
Am bored...am pathetic...
I want a friend...looks too costly in my life...
I have a class in 10...
like how DB would have said it...
not 10 minutes...just 10...
I am prolly hated by many...for simply giving up...
Am sorry but I really don't have anything to give you...
At the end of even this...I just want to be left alone...
That's me...